A letters to my ex, Opened up all my scars under the sky filled with stars infront of you not with a hope that you’ll share all of you with me or cure me with any means. But, I held just a wish that you won’t cause any of the permanent wounds as I haveContinue reading “A LETTER”


Living this death, With a furnace-like heart, There’s a storm in my eyes, Silence is my beloved art, Skipping a heartbeat- not an emotion anymore, Feeling your presence is not a bliss, Breaking this connection, I freed my soul, Dreams without you, a dream I no longer wish… DO LIKE, COMMENT AND SHARE THIS POSTContinue reading “LOVE AND LIFE”


Not a glass to turn into pieces after you’ve broken me. I’m a ray of positive white light to scatter through a prism of hope and become a spectrum. My prism though will always create an illusion of you. DO LIKE, COMMENT AND SHARE THIS POST IF YOU LIKED THIS. ALSO FOLLOW MY BLOG IFContinue reading “Scattered”

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